In a traditional scenario, the GROW model coach only acts in the capacity of a facilitator assisting the client to choose the best alternatives without offering any advice or a direction.
When the same is applied to a business leader a few things may change. For instance, the team leader or executive may already have expert opinion to offer and it is part of their job to guide team members to make decisions that are best for the organization. Yet, at the same time it may be more proactive for people to draw conclusions for themselves rather than have these imposed upon them.
Example: You have been at your job for the past year and would like to be promoted to team leader within the next two years. Now this is a smart goal which is:
Specific- you want to be a team leader, moving ahead with your career
Measurable- from entry level to team manager
Attainable-because you already have some experience in the field
Relevant- to your career
Time bound- you’re giving yourself a time frame to work within
Based on this SMART goal, you and your coach can brainstorm the additional skills you need to be successful in achieving your goal. You may need more experience of managing other people, dealing with overseas customers while also performing well in your current position.
You work with your coach to review available options such as lead a small team so you can get the experience you need. Perhaps you could spend some time in the overseas team. When establishing will or the way to move forward, your coach or manger could actually let you lead a small team on a minor project and mark your progress.
You have now set the wheels in motion towards achieving your goal- otherwise also referred to as strategy-to-execution.