Dr Rajeev Gupta

3Jiu Jitsu Moves to Help You Escape From an aggressor

3Jiu Jitsu Moves to Help You Escape From an aggressor


Brazilian Jiu Jitsu is among the most effective martial arts strategies around. As a matter of fact, you’ll find this to be really valuable during close quarter battle. When confronted with an adversary, you are able to utilize one of these 3 moves to conquer your aggressor and get off to safety.


If you’re walking and somebody abruptly grabs you from behind, the 1st thing you have to do is crouch down, widen your base and attempt to make yourself heavy as conceivable so he will have a difficult time lifting you. If you fail to do this, merely hook your foot around the exterior of your opponent’s leg then crouch, choose a side and step out so you are able to see one of his legs between yours.


Now step around behind your adversary and then fall to the earth.  The leg placed behind him will make him fall and it works even if he’s bigger than you. If you’re frightened to land on your rear, don’t worry as you’ll land on your opponent so he acts as your buffer. As this is going to hurt him more than you, stand up and run.


Should your aggressor be coming directly at you, cover your face and get your head against his chest while at the same time, executing a leg check or a firm kick to his leg. This won’t block his punches and the only way to accomplish that is to sweep your hands out to obstruct his biceps, hook your hands over his triceps and utilize your forearms to command his arms. With your brow still on his chest, thrust ahead so you’re able to produce isometric tension.


The following thing to do is go around his back with one arm and travel to that side. Your additional arm should stay in the same place with your thigh close to his leg so he will not be able to swing around or even knee you in the groin. After holding that individual for some time, push him out and make break for it.


If you’re pushed to the ground and he’s still coming directly at you, shove your knees into his chest. If he’s too big to push aside, be ready to take those punches and protect your face. If he attempts to get away, put your back to the ground and put your legs around his hips. As he can’t escape, he will likely thrust forward and attempt to choke you. Since your feet are still enclosed around his legs, attempt to pick him up, flip him over and escape.


These 3  Jiu Jitsu moves are simple to learn. While it doesn’t cause any harm against your aggressor, it gives you adequate time to run and get assistance.

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