About Me

Dr Rajeev Gupta is Medically Qualified Consultant in National Health Service but has done Triple Accredited MBA, Qualification in Executive and Corporate Coaching and Emotional Intelligence due to his wide interests outside medicine. He is a Business Coach for variety of organisations and a  Business Consultant for a variety of small, medium and large businesses. He has written a book “Business use of Emotional Intelligence” catalyst for innovation and conversion of idea into action. He does RG 3D Coaching which is a 3 Dimensional Coaching motivating people from inside and stimulating the ability to set and achieve goals. Getting you from where you are now to where you want to be is right at the heart of RG 3D coaching. You will unlock your motivation and start making smart decisions and setting goals. You’ll envision your success more clearly Take action to get what you want. Learn the art of creating specific and measurable goals. Figure out what you want and the steps to get you there. Overcome procrastination. Achieve your dreams. Dr Gupta is a Motivational Speaker and accomplished coach who can help achieve your goals today. He will help you overcome common motivation killers like: Procrastination Unclear or shifting goals Lack of encouragement Fear of failing will be replaced by enthusiasm for action. Setbacks will become learning opportunities and not reasons to quit. One of the most powerful parts of "RG 3D  coaching" is the support and encouragement it offers you. You’ll discover that it helps you to develop yourself and pursue your goals. He will empower you to believe in yourself and achieve your goals through various techniques. You don’t have to always set aside your dreams. Motivational coaching shows you how to weigh the pros and cons and make a decision. Until you make choices, motivation is hard to maintain. Once your decisions are made, then you set goals and enter the planning phase. With Dr Gupta's help you create your plan, you’ll break big tasks into small steps so you can always make progress. This is very important to boost your motivation. Each step forward is a huge reward. Rajeev Gupta teaches you how to find your motivation for the rest of your life. You’ll learn how to make decisions and plan. You’ll pursue the benefits of success instead of focusing on the difficulties of getting there. Connecting with your inner motivation will reward you for years to come. This is the foundation of success.

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1. BEST STUDENT AWARD and GOLD MEDAL for outstanding Medical Graduate 1981

2. Joan Dawkins Trust Millennium Bursary Grant– By British Medical Association for Medical Education, 2000

3. Gastroenterology Fellowship 2001, Juntendo University and Japanese Endoscopy Foundation,Tokyo.

4. Best Teacher and firm of the year award 2006, Medical Society,University of Sheffield

5. HEART Award March 2010 for outstanding personal achievement in field of clinical leadership and clinical medicine. The award is judged for Helpfulness, Excellence, Achievement, Resourcefulness and Talent

6. Several Clinical Excellence Awards from the National Health Service

7. “Glory of India Award” in London on 25th September 2010

8. “Outstanding Personal Service Award”- British Association of Physicians of Indian Origin, 4th June 2011 for service beyond expectation for overseas doctors, outstanding contribution to mentoring and education.

9. HEART Award June 2012 for team on Together We Make It Better.

10. GOLD AWARD 9th July 2012, given by CEO of NHS Sir David Nicholson for enthusiastic implementation of physical activity challenge.



Executive Coaching
Leadership Coaching
Conference Talks
Team building – Workshops
Body language Workshops
Innovation Workshops
Business Coaching
Personal Coaching
Group Coaching
Virgin Mentorship
Conflict management –Talks and Workshops
Stress Management – Talks and workshops
Emotional Intelligence Coaching
Coaching Doctors
Business Promotion Services
Marketing Advice and consultation
Promotional Videos – Creation and marketing
Business Strategy consultation
Health Care Management Course and advice
And much more!


Dr Rajeev Gupta is a man of many talents. He has multiple qualifications and vast experience in the field of medicine, business coaching, emotional intelligence, marketing and international business. He can help you improve at a personal level and also at the corporate level. Just get in touch with us


Emotional intelligence – it seems that everyone is talking about it these days – but what exactly is it? Well, have you ever tried to lose weight but found it difficult to control cravings? Had a bad day at work but taken it out on your partner? Or ever found it difficult to manage stress?

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Effective communication is one of the most important life skills we can learn—yet one we don’t usually put a lot of effort into. Whether you want to have better conversations in your social life or get your ideas across better at work.

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What skills do leaders need to learn to be successful, effective leaders? Before I give my answer to these questions, lets just remember that some people believe that leaders are born, not made. Others believe that qualities are more important than skills – that followers will follow a leader with the right leadership attributes

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Whether you are a team leader, a team member, or an executive that manages multiple teams, we have a team building workshop to help you improve team skills for success. The dynamics to build a successful team are full of challenges that range from poor communication to lack of focus on goals to individual conflicts.

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Body language is just one part of non-verbal communication, although it is a pretty big part! It can cover movements made in the face, both overt and micro-expressions, touching parts of your body with your hands, eye contact, posture, gait, limb actions, hand gestures, and a whole lot more.

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We’ve co-organised dozens of innovations sessions for large corporates. The driver to set up a large scale workshops could be very different depending on the company and context. Depending on this goal we would focus more on training of new tools or the quality of the final business concepts.

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Executive & Corporate Coaching. Whatever your business and wherever you are located in the world, when you work with an ICF trained professional coach you’ll benefit from leadership and executive coaching at its very best. Our aim is to transform, extend and develop your leaders.

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Confidential personal coaching service. Change your life, increase confidence, work life balance and boost personal growth. Professional, certified coach for.

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Group Coaching is increasing in popularity for coaches and clients. Jennifer explains what it is, the benefits, key considerations and what it looks like!

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Conflict management is the process of limiting the negative aspects of conflict while increasing the positive aspects of conflict. The aim of conflict management is to enhance learning and group outcomes, including effectiveness or performance in organizational setting

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Stress management is a wide spectrum of techniques and psychotherapies aimed at controlling a person’s level of stress, especially chronic stress, usually for the purpose of improving everyday functioning.

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Need to increase your Emotional Intelligence? Attend One Of Our Groundbreaking Webinars!Webinars are a great low-cost way to conveniently bring learning concepts from the national stage to your desktop or mobile device. 

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Emotional intelligence (EQ) is the ability to identify, use, understand, and manage your own emotions in positive ways to relieve stress, communicate effectively, empathize with others, overcome challenges and defuse conflict.

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Promotion, as a general term, includes all the ways available to make a product and/or service known to and available to purchase by customers. The word promotion is also used specifically to refer to a particular activity that is intended topromote the business, product or service.

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Marketing Advice& Consultation. Real world experience on your squad. If you’re looking to enter a new marketplace; launch a new product or service; increase your market share or fight off the competition, we can help. We bring over twenty years of proven experience to your team.

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Have you ever wanted to create a promotional video? Video content, after all, can be used in so many ways, from social media posts and advertisements to emails and marketing sites. But how do you go from “wanting to create a video” to actually scripting and producing one? Seems complicated, right? Affordable Promotional Video Production Services For Corporates, […]

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Healthcare organizations need visionary leaders who can inspire and develop employees, build and mend relationships effectively, lead and motivate teams, and engage in participativemanagement. Today we are going to talk about how to coach clinical teams to improve their performance.

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Health Management. Whether you’re looking for a Diploma in Health Studies or specific courses in diet and nutrition, Alison’s free, online healthcare management courses will deliver your training needs. Studying Health Management. Health management refers to the process of organising and coordinating the performance of a healthcare facility.

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See all our services

Our facts

Dr Gupta has coached many individuals and teams in personal and business settings. He has worked in NHS and has done innovation projects and done coaching of doctors. He Has written many books including the popular on "Business use of Emotional Intelligence"
0 Coaching
Conference Talks
Team Coaching
Books written

Get in touch

Address: 81 Quarry Hill, Wakefield, WF4 5NG, United Kingdom
Phone: +44 1924 666266


    Emotional intelligence (EI) is the capability of individuals to recognize their own emotions and those of others, discern between different feelings and label them appropriately, use emotional information to guide thinking and behavior, and manage and/or adjust emotions to adapt to environments or achieve one's goal(s).

    Although the term first appeared in a 1964 paper by Michael Beldoch, it gained popularity in the 1995 book by that title, written by the author, and science journalist Daniel Goleman. Since this time, Goleman's 1995 analysis of EI has been criticized within the scientific community, despite prolific reports of its usefulness in the popular press.


    DR Rajeev Gupta is engaged in many activities including health care, business coaching, strategic consulting etc

    Eintel Organisation

    Eintel Organisation See bio

    Indo UK Collaboration

    Indo UK Collaboration
    See bio

    Super Health Direct

    Super Health Direct
    See bio

    Why Choose Rajeev Gupta?

    • Caoching Medical Leaders is a great responsibility and Dr Gupta is Lead Coach for faculty of medical Leadershi and Management https://www.fmlm.ac.uk/rajeev-gupta

      Coaching Medical Leaders

    • Top command on Emotional Intelligence – How brain woorks for getting success

      Top command on Emotional Intelligence

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