A loan is an advancement of money or something of value with the promise or a bargain struck between the parties involved to redeem the full sum with interest within a stipulated period of time.
The Basics
The interest is usually calculated proportionate to the sum borrowed and paid back along with the principal in segment for an agreed amount of time.
The terms and interest amounts are usually not negotiable and in most cases are quite high. However it is still the most popular means of acquiring something legally and legitimately where payment is not immediately completely covered.
The general calculation of a loan would be that, more is incurred the longer the period taken to pay off the initial sum borrowed, and even more will be added on to the agreed sum should the schedule of payment in place is not strictly kept.
Therefore any defaults will incur penalties that are in most cases even harder to make payments on.
Although banks are the most popular avenues from which to seek out a loan from there are also other lending establishments that function sole for the purpose of facilitating loan arrangements.
Most of these are legal and with strict rules in place with proper accompanying documentation. However there are also loan facilities that can be gotten from “shady” sources which can sometimes be quite dangerous and definitely without the proper processes in place.
There are two very basic types of loans which are the secured one and the unsecured one.
The secured ones are based on some kind of acceptable collateral being offered in place of the loan which may include anything of value such as property, stocks, bond and others, and the unsecured one doesn‟t offer anything.