Dr Rajeev Gupta

Avoid Over Promoting

Be Cautious

Twitters have a “language” of their own and understanding and using it is both necessary and beneficial if the individual hosting a twitter site wants to be taken seriously in this arena.

There is a need to ensure the various new terms used as posting material which does not adhere to this will eventually get the site discredited or ignored. Choosing an unsuitable name is also to be avoided as this will cause the professionalism element to be severely discredited and not taken seriously.

Getting into a bragging mode with the intention of promoting something is a thinly disguised attempt to get noticed. When done often enough it will cause the exact opposite effects instead, as those originally viewing the site will end up being exasperated and bored.

Bad choice of timing is also another element to avoid as it may seem that the tweets are being run too frequently and even if the viewing was missed initially.

The unsolicited frequency of the tweeting exercise will eventually cause annoyance as viewers may no longer be interested in the same information being posted.

More often than not this self promoting material can get redundant even if what is being promoted is useful and relevant in the host’s perspective.

Repetitive information will become stale. Sometimes when there is too much promoting done, the basic need to address certain issues are overlooked or ignored. This will frustrate the participating viewer as the concerns fail to be addressed effectively.

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