Dr Rajeev Gupta

20 Tips For Dealing With Fibromyalgia

    1. Seek out medical professionals who really understand Fibromyalgia, and that you feel meet your needs and provide you with the time you need in each appointment.
    2. Do your own research into treatments and research scientific findings of this disease.
    3. Work to accept your body as it is, and be realistic of your present abilities.
    4. Never push yourself beyond what you are physically capable of, do what you can and appreciate those abilities.
    5. Seek out and try every possible treatment option, especially the natural methods found in alternative medicine. Remember that any type of therapy that can improve quality of life and symptoms should be investigated and given a chance to work.
    6. Set realistic goals so you can feel accomplished and good about yourself, instead of trying to reach unattainable feats that can lead to loss of confidence, depression, and anxiety.
    7. Surround yourself with supportive, positive, and understanding people who give you the emotional support you need.
    8. Be vigilant about your mental health, if you feel yourself slipping into depression, which is common among patients; seek help from a qualified professional.
    9. Talk, talk and talk some more. Express all your feelings, especially your anger, frustrations, anxiety, and fears to trusted sources.
    10. Cry when you need to. Crying is a great release of feelings.
    11. Attend support groups where you can get understanding and give some back to others.

    1. Eliminate all possible sources of stress and partake in stress reducing activities. Meditation, Tai Chi, Yoga, good sleep, low stress work, happy relationships, and many other actions can help reduce stress to improve the outlook of your condition and quality of life.
    2. Take a moment to mourn your old life, and then take days to look forward to your new life.
    3. Rewrite your life. If you used to run marathons, it may be time to get to let that go, instead design an exercise plan you can achieve and stick with those goals. You might have to change jobs, or get more help with the kids than you used to, it’s okay, making these changes is all part of the acceptance.
    4. Ask for help. Do not let pride stand in the way of getting help as you need it, no matter the circumstances.
    5. Look for the silver linings and practice positive thinking. Life presents us with harsh lessons and circumstances, but there is always a positive side, look for it and revel in it. For example, perhaps you have made a new special best friend in a support group that is one positive aspect of fibromyalgia.
    6. Revel in your strength, and resolve and see your coping ability as a positive aspect of this disease. Be proud that you are so resilient that you can handle anything life throws at you.
    7. Stay away from negative people who doubt your symptoms and are not supportive, their negativity is like poison that can really damage your outlook, and wellness.
    8. Consider for a moment people who are blind and work full time and those who are deaf but married with children, there are also those in wheelchairs participating in Olympic Games and playing basketball. While it would be easy for people with such profound disabilities to lay down and give up, they don’t, they live full lives and accept what is, and so can you.
    9. Consider and accept that you may not be as powerless as you may believe. While you may have lost power over some of your physical abilities, or perhaps how others view you, you absolutely have the power over how you view yourself.
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