Figure Four Squat with Shoulder Raise
4 Fat-Blasting Jumping Exercises
Double-Duty Strength Exercise#U05c3 Bicep Curl
Kneeling Side Leg Circles ¦ Butt-Lifting Move
Bicycle Abs With Dumbbell Pec Fly Workout Move
Knee Lift with Reverse Row Workout
One-Legged Deadlift with Leg Extension and Overhead Press
Plank with Opposite Limb Extension
Side Lunge to Curtsy Workout Move
Back Behinds to Tone Your Back
Criss Cross Scissors for Your Thighs
Crunch Twist for a Strong Core
Oil Riggers for Strong Triceps
T-Stand Pulses for a Tighter Butt
Wing Pulses to Sculpt Your Back