Dr Rajeev Gupta




We’re living in really trying and hard times and matters don’t seem to be getting any easier. Occasionally life may seem awfully painful and unjust, yet for some reason we manage to battle on, daily, hoping and praying that matters will soon get better.


But daily the world is getting to be a crazier and less settled place to live in, let alone stressful. Nothing appears safe any longer. Millions of individuals are in record levels of debt. Several are losing their jobs, their homes, their wellness and occasionally even their sanity. Concern, depression and anxiety seem to have become a way of life for way too many individuals.


We appear to have entered the Age of anxiousness.  The ceaseless stress and doubts of living in the 21st century have for sure taken their toll. Switch on the news or open a paper and we’re bombarded with distressing images and stories.  We start to wonder if we’re safe anyplace.  In this, the info age, never before have we had such access to so much information.


The economic system is another stressor.  Our country is in debt and so are a lot of Americans.  Lofty gas prices, exorbitant housing costs, even the cost of food has sent a lot of Americans to work in jobs that are disappointing and boring.  They work these jobs as they require a paycheck.  Now, it’s more crucial to bring home the bacon instead of work in a dream career.


Having more women in the workplace adds to the tension.  Numerous women feel the have to be everything to everybody and that includes a paycheck earner, home keeper, mother, wife, daughter, and sibling.  The only trouble with that is a few women just don’t make any time for themselves therefore contributing to their stress levels representing an all-time high.


Even youngsters may feel the pressure of stress and anxiety.  Adolescents who want to go to college discover themselves pushing themselves during their studies to attempt and get scholarships so they may attend schools that have ever increasing tuition prices.


They discover themselves having to hold down part-time jobs on top of all that to make money for extras that their parents can no more afford.  Add peer pressure into the mixture and you’ve a veritable pressure cooker! Cells, internet, palm pilots, blackberries, and i-pods – we’re always on the go and forever approachable.  We don’t make time to unwind and enjoy life any longer.  Why not?  We surely should!


If stress is induced by us not feeling in control of a state of affairs, the answer is to attempt and reverse this, and find that control.  The good news is:  you are able to! You’ve everything inside you that you require to overcome your stress and the accompanying anxiety.  The issue is, often we don’t realize that we’re in control as we feel so out of control at time.  But the tools are there, you simply have to use them.

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