Dr Rajeev Gupta

Leadership and Trust

Trust seems to be the key idiosyncrasy linked with leadership. A governor cannot guide if his admirers do not trust him. A president discovers the employees ‘/ followers problems and tries to solve them, but it is the trust that his adherents hold on him which tells whether the leaders retrieve the skills and intellectuality required to solve the problems. Trust can be defined as an optimistic creed that others will not play( via words, plays, or final conclusions) in an opportunistic manner.

For trust to nurture, an adequate atmosphere is needed. His or her duties rests with the chairman in an organization. The employees will show absolute trust in the leaders when they see model/ superb persona in them. Leaders play a key role in developing and continuing trust of organizational hires . Reliability, empathy and realization of individual/ personal goals assist the leaders to gain rely of public service employees/ adherents. When public service employees depict trust in a leader, they are ready to be exposed to the actions of the chairman- self-assured that their interests and rights will not be harmed.

The primary facets of trust are:

  • Truth/Honesty
  • Proficiency/Competency
  • Commitment
  • Reliability
  • Sincerity/Openness

A leader should keep his followers informed, be fair and objective, share his feelings, be honest, allow the followers to constantly direct their decisions, maintain their promises, and earn respect of the followers. All this will contribute in building trust upon the leaders.

A trust-centred leadership will offset worries, apprehensions, and low-morale by developing a trustworthy environment where employees feel secure, confident and keyed up. The employees will be ready to take initiative, give suggestions, share their views, feel unhesitant to take risk and will contribute completely in such an atmosphere of trust.

Due to instability and unpredictability of organizations today, building of trust between managers as leaders and their employees is essentially required.


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