Dr Rajeev Gupta

Make The Decision To Change

To overcome an addiction, you have to take some measures yourself. The first is to admit that you have an addiction problem. Whether it is drugs, alcohol, gambling or video games. You have to recognize that you have all the symptoms of addiction and need help. When you have convinced yourself that you are addicted and need help, only then can you start on the path of recovery.


The level of assistance you require will depend on the severity of your addiction. If you feel that you only live to play video games then you may need counseling or professional medical help. This is the best way of over-coming your addiction but may come with a high financial cost.

With this method you will be put on a program that will involve medical prescriptions as well as a change of lifestyle and hobbies.

For cases that are not so severe, you need to get support from friends and family to overcome your addition problem. You have to be open with them and tell them about your addiction.

When they know that you want to stop the addiction, they can help by ensuring that you spend more time with them doing other interesting things like going to the movies, playing physical games that you like, visiting interesting places, starting new hobbies etc.

You can also help yourself by ensuring that you spend more time with family and friends. Make them the priority in your life and you will be spending more time with them and doing new things with them.

By doing so, you will find that you have less time to spend on your addiction and will soon lose the craving for it. As you start having interest in other new things, your addiction will soon be a thing of the past and you can move on.

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