Dr Rajeev Gupta

Richard Susskind on “The End of Lawyers?”

it’s all safe to be uncharitable to disagree with introduction that’s made to you the talk but I choose in my book new groups called the lawyers question mark and question marks on there I want to cover eight subjects with you today I want to talk a little bit of it the future to think about the future the mindset of might be use market some of the market itself turned to the vital concept of commercialization is about worth at least as a vital concept speak about information technology which in many ways be my passion over the last 25 years or so I want to suggest you the shape of law firms is changing and reflects on the world a new shape my new client see a little bit of my access to justice through information technology and other techniques and ultimately say something about whether or not lawyers actually do in the future is the question mark and finally coming to the Gospels for their role might be a new world as I’ve envisioned so let’s start off with the future and with the tale of blackened debt or one of the world’s leading manufacturers of power tools it said the Black and Decker when they recruit new executives they didn’t want a course and the seminary must have spent not much like this but that we just lined up exactly like one behind me and see to the assembled executives this is what we sell isn’t it and then you take this loop rather a surprise by the city of course that’s what we sell we’re black container we’re meeting manufacturers and power tools the trailer still with some satisfaction this is not what we sell because this is not actually what our customers want this this is what our customers want and it’s your job to make ever more competitive in imagine creative ways of giving our customers what they want and it’s a marvelous last year for lawyers in Ritter we’re thinking about the future because lawyers tend to be a power drill mentality they attempted that well what do we do today broadly have one-to-one consultative advisory service delivered through documents of meetings not often enough I argue too large to stay exactly what actually are we do in life why is it the major or minor organizations pay large amounts of money for our services but is it that we actually buy their value add to the world in which we do is what’s the whole wallet for lawyers it’s a question I’ve been asking for 15 years and I’ve found two answers tonight directly useful the first ISKCON KPMG and if you look at KPMG seven at one stage their global mission statement rather something like this KPMG said we exist to turn our knowledge into volume for the benefit of our clients the existence heard are no negative volume for the benefit of our clients isn’t that a superb way of capturing what we all do as professional advisor people with sparkly ones we’ve not only give expertise new insight with experience and ideas which we apply in our clients circumstances that’s what we do as lawyers the premise here of course is that we’re not necessarily in the business of delivering our knowledge in a different way KPMG don’t see me exist to provide one-to-one consultative advisory services on an hourly billing basis what they see is that we exist to transfer our knowledge and my argument is this if knowledge management of knowledge is the volume the whole of the wall the legal world with a couple of options we can be rigorous and systematic about the way we capture I’m not sure knowledge or we can be haphazard and unstructured and unsystematic and the latter is only are generally going about our manipulation the fundamental point here is though the clients are known after one to one advisory service the way we currently work as lawyers lawyers are after something more fundamental and that’s to tap into the knowledge and experience of lawyers the strategic challenge there forests are the different new better acquainted cheaper less costly less forbidding ways of delivering our knowledge as the challenge the profession faces another response to what the whole of the walls in the legal world comes down to from clients I do a great deal of work research with general counsel procedure in-house lawyers and companies and they seem to be again in a game one thing they say this that law firms are far too reactive they simply wait to respond to our instructions to them they don’t anticipate our needs clients general counsel said to me we’re not really in the business of dispute resolution we don’t want dispute resolution we want dispute of violence we don’t want legal problem solving we want legal risk management or it’s a bit of more graphically what clients tell me is they would prepare our things at the top of the cliff rather than an ambulance at the bottom and a great deal of legal services has been improved today is if I equipping that ambulance a little bit better or getting that analyst to see them through the problem a little bit quicker which is client say to me to miss the blinds the help lines what is at the top of the cliff senior lawyers within major businesses want to avoid problems they want to anticipate problems they want to identify risks to control risks and if ever the legal profession has problems sharpness in this area every in-house counsel I’d interview will say to me I’m in the business of legal risk management and hardly a law firm in the world provides kinds of practical risk management services than these clients are actually wanting so just to recap the hole-in-the-wall I’m arguing is two things why the market sustains lawyers that volume artists bring the CDs to fold those lawyers of knowledge expertise in the site the clients do have and secondly looking more for the future because lawyers potentially can help clients avoid legal problems and not just resolve them let me say a little about automation and innovation when most people think about information technology that has impact Bob generally they tend to have automation of mind which is taking some kind of process from task or activity computerizing systematizing streamlining optimally all these kinds of words for years the fundamental point here being that that to which the people the computer technology the information technology applied exists pre-exists and somehow technology improves the position now you can look at marvelous examples in law and elsewhere of the use of automation but if I look at other segments of them right across the world the most dramatic and impressive applications of information technology are not actually instances of automation at all the instances of what I call in a region an innovation in my terms at least is using information technology to allow you to do things that previously wherever possible that’s the real excitement of technology because in so many law firms describing people think many of the processes are actually already quite efficient the work has already done to our high standard the scope for simple automation is quite limited the excitement for me all of you in the legal world is allowing us to do different and new things that weren’t possible when there was only manual techniques in our fingertips now many people are being dismissive of this is a richer pilot error computer computer computer technology ever give rise to innovation I use this information technologies in example the ATM one of the most successful information technologies of the last 30 or 40 years now if you have automated mindset let’s say if you think information technology can do nothing else that computer I have something that already exists I condone this challenge what did that computer is what pre-existing process than that system at I wasn’t the case that 30 years ago in the middle of the night we needed money he went down to local bank and into arts all of the wall of the bank and some through a bank teller sitting outside event and said can I have $50 but he’s an oaktree my hand clutching the notes you require of course not it wasn’t that that process existed and some bankers around the table who say come on chaps this is rather inefficient and often quite chilly why don’t we do of course not information technology gave rise to a fundamentally new way of delivering the domestic banking service and so to involve the challenge is not simply to see how do we work today as lawyers and how can you streamline that new technology the challenge is to think how can we change the women’s work how can we work differently using information technology so much about the future and the mindset one might usefully have let’s talk about the market and for me the market actually can be quite soon quite simply summarized and this is game feedback and getting unanimously from the senior in her lawyers within my consultant missing speaker summarize the current state of the market than this week I think me to find space and dilemma into three parts the first part is that you will find every in-house lawyer almost an exception under pressure to reduce their internal headcount companies in these difficult economic time simply saying we have to make cuts across the world and the legal function is no exception so there’s pressure and in-house lawyers to juice in Terrell head coach at the same time advice liberal offerings there’s huge pressure of internal lawyers on general counsel to reduce their monthly spend on external operatives this is unarguable was just coming back nineteen eighty five percent of the the week and at the same time and this is very much and yet what they’re also saying to me is that the more legal compliance what to do than ever before and much of its risk now all of this should resonate economy’s tragic less resource for internal wars less spending external law firms more regulation coming through more difficult legal situations and it seems to me we can see that something has to give we cannot continue working this week themselves the other factor and listen to this you are almost every you acquires would I summarize this by saying clients want more for less I think this is just the please that captured the spirit of the the meetings I have with the client community and so the government since then in relation to services that are supported by a publicly lived there’s another thing in England this relevant that I think were a ripple effect across the global community and that’s the possibility of external investments and legal businesses under the Legal Services Act 2007 in England it will mostly be possible but it’ll mostly be possible for our external investments we made involve Rose right Nathan even venture capital it’ll be possible for non-lawyers to be Parker’s involvement a little bit possible for no llores they’re wolves the top management positions have been more firm this will radically changed it seems to me the way and position but I think it might be because what you’ll see is a number of private equity houses venture capitalists and other external investors imaginative new managers from different disciplines coming in and showing the legal services can be delivered different wage sure that disputes can be resolved at less cost perhaps less competition since the deals can be managed more effectively showing that advice can be delivered more quickly and painlessly and the point is not whether or not external investment is limited English legal system the pointers will new business models new ways of delivering legal services embarrass these investments in England and I’m involved with a board advisory board member and a private equity firm is investing in the legal market but he’ll only do to my promise but their chances of these external investors taking an existing law for about tweaking a little bit are almost non-existent they’re not committed to our leading structures they think an entirely new delivery legal services whether or not that’s respected to the England investment this is the genie will we have the bottle let’s go back to the moral st because the owner of many of you my talk today cry to one more place I think that our ruling to broad strategies the law firms of the trials can adopt in responding to this I call these the efficiency strategy and the collaboration strategy deficiencies practically invisible um I think one needs to cuts the cost of legal service if you need more relaxed how do we take some of the cost value of service then the important point here is this is not simply asking law firms to reduce the number of support staff for marketing this is about the cost of legal service the cost of lawyers delivering advice handling deals resolving disputes the reality is it’s too costly for a lot of this is a running theme again about I’ve got to see is the and related to legal world of work the legal world over is being undertaken by the quake junior lawyers at very high costs and so the challenge of efficiency strategies how to take some of the cost out of the routine repetitive work in the new market this takes me a long path towards Bangkok monetization terms that a few minutes and it also leads me to a notion that I termed multi-sourcing that’s the jutsu the obvious one we need more from base to have to count the cost of service the more ambitious and radical strategy is what I call the collaboration strategy and this is the idea that cries not constantly cuts costs but actually share the costs and the premise here is that many legal clients the world over again actually have similar legal problems and isn’t there some way that they can come together and share the costs of say a regulatory review or sharing the costs of some kind of drafting activities or share the costs of some kind of investigations that they all are monitoring that they’re all conducting at the same time huge amounts of regulation coming through folks might actually master that procedures common challenges across many businesses what I’m suggesting and frankly this is not science fiction last year I was working with with a half a dozen general counsel with a fortune 50 companies that kind of side we’re thinking of this precisely they share common legal tasks they’re not competitive why can’t we share the costs here and I believe this will be enabled fuel through emerging technologies probably web 2.0 technologies online community harnessing so this is a nutshell is what I see the perfection has to do to meet the more for this challenge we have to cut the cost of legal service and we have to find convenient ways of clients to share the cost of the service so let’s really take the first woman talk about commoditization unconcious in my new group uses terms of spoke and conscious I know that know that the spoken melatonin is particularly well used in North America if you keep the London Harbor and you had the money unlikely in this particular climate to have a handmade suits made in Savile Row we in England would call that a bespoke suits well if the kids England to have software developed for you to choose to do that fine but again it was developed specifically for you it wasn’t off the shelf we call that bespoke software and I believe by analogy a lot of legal workers Highlander school and one of the I think great tragedies of law school not just here just all over the world as we are I think encouraged to regard almost all legal problems as requiring bespoke solutions we’re encouraged to think of almost all legal difficulties as though they might reach in your case the Supreme Court or in my case the House of Lords but the reality is huge months of legal work do not involve but starting the black sheet of paper in the bespoke solution the spoke approach when you’re drafting the agreement you start with a blank sheet of paper and crafted from scratch routine repetitive and what do we do with that well it seems to me and second to the other end of the spectrum there’s something called commoditization and most wireless who talked about the modernization if they’re prepared to allow the work of their models will take to say simultaneously the dismissive wave of the right hand which meanings fundamentally we can’t make money about anymore the commoditization of legal services suggests that it’s a filthy concept but some legal work is that is so commonplace so simple to the lawyer in some way and that’s the idea of commoditizing and the mindset often of many petitioners when the thinking of the future of legal services to think well and it’s one or two is either we handcraft or its thus bespoke stuff so I’m going to steam the spoken and I very do strong courses together than that and in fact there’s a spectrum we can see the spokes that leads to commoditization legal service the red light there’s four lawyers about you who were concerned because you don’t actually want to move across the stage as I say very often when were stirred routine repetitive we don’t approach into the spork our customized way we standardize we standardize in two ways we standardize in terms of process process these checklists whose procedure manuals between the consulting world whose methodologies that basically we are particularly we are particularly the steps that we need to to walk through to undertaking particularly from scratch and in terms of documents in terms of substance we don’t to the department started managing paper with making templates of standard form documents or we might use previously negotiated agreements but we usually have something to start with and that’s what we call standardization now many law firms don’t stop there we move to the system evaluation pleasure to copy sample the drafting of employment contracts fraternity historical rafters a handcrafted two spoke service firms that do a lot of that kind of work we seek to standardize and have their standard forms for different categories of the employees in the circumstances but then they might go from furthering one of his systematize and we’re having a discussion this morning and having a further bonus at MIT at the very center of an automatic document assembly a technology that’s been around at least since the early seventies but the idea of there is rather than metaphorically or actually cutting and pasting from an original document to create a new one you simply answer a series of questions in the screen and how oversimplification here but hiding behind that screen that asks the question is where the decision tree with standard bits of text hanging onto the leaves so the answer question made in this way encircled in that paragraph against that question that way even goes this particular clause and automatically is assemble a pretty polished first draft technologist well established if you speak to business people you know on-site particularly into law that know about efficiency of process will think that you tuber will of course that must be the case it can’t be that every piece of legal worker there is so unique that one needs to start the French surely we can bring together pass legal clauses words graters documents and so forth so we systematize and we also might use automatic workflow to carry legal processes efficiently through an organization we didn’t stop there early this law firm that I’m suggesting that is automatically generating employment contracts for the clients might go step further they might actually package the knowledge and experience and actually provide that software essentially to each other Parliament’s and personnel specialist within clients organizations so the clients will see if you’re actually using quite junior lawyers and answer questions why can’t we answer the questions and this is a huge step this is the ticking of your knowledge of the law firm and packaging it’s essentially license in it for clients use for many lawyers I’ve got to just in this but let’s go back to keep him chief we exist to turn our knowledge into volume for the benefit of our clients why shouldn’t we if we conceivably both improve productivity perhaps reduce cost provides and reduce our own profitability take the standard packaging my biggest crimes were the last decade has been delight the tax practice in the UK project they have gone in the process of tax compliance from what used to be a highly handcrafted process ranks the stage of packaging the compliance process every company in innumerable jurisdictions has to take information from their accounting system you have to apply the relevant tax rules they have to produce documentation of the scribe form we have to submit that to the tax authority as I see used to be handcrafted before Deloitte in fact it was Anderson in the UK who developed the system they went from the spoke to standardize where their procedures and standard documents and formats and so forth then spreadsheet technology came along and they began to systematize and then they built a highly impressive tool and gotten many experts inside this engine even suck the information on a processor produces a report in a form that could be submitted to the taxing authorities they use that internally a number of Anderson people left Anderson to work at companies and came back to the firm saying we’d like to be able to use that software we used to use Moodle working within you can we choose strategic decision on the one hand some people say we should again this is a new business multiple why don’t we actually licensed on college and that way that actually was the approach the two and now they make money while the sleepers are saying 7000 – we see the top 100 companies in the UK license that that knowledge of device don’t think of a software don’t think of it as something purely process things it’s a rich sophisticated body of many hundreds of tax experts though the clients cannot happen to without a very consultation with the process it’s cheaper and quicker and easier for them and the white are making serious money out of that moreover that they are from electronic presence within o’clock organizations if you look at firms like League leaders and our maneuvering in London both these rebels are there amongst the largest more successful global law firms have produced timesheet generators what are tensions tensions very brothers beginner the doctorates that indicate from a financial institution of the condition of the Webster at this stage thinking they’ll make finance available they’re often the business of leader loan documentation term sheets buying arms drafted by banks not drafters of the quality that specialist banking finance lawyers would do the problem is that many many deals never actually come to fruition and so they can’t afford most backs to give the tariff you work from over so what are these firms do they actually produce an automatic tension generator so quiet people Max Masterson polish first strap that’s packaging for me the final stage inspections the commoditization and one of the things I’m careful of this the qualities with sugar or silver core whether it is often under Ferengi’s other than the issue of Christ but a commonplace commodity something that can be treated so I believe the analogy in the information world that’s the the world of Baal is the information world physical commodities is online service and eventually what what we’ll see and this is very interesting if you look at our over in Linklaters model the difficulty when you get more than one law firm or provider providing an information product the price change may be towards you there’s no the marginal cost of producing that service that offering to another price is very low and use assistive economics in the information world such that we have competing undifferentiated through products or offering packages my turn they become a commodity so this is the idea of broadly speaking that actually and will be the same an employment contrast another firm were on a similar systems there were packaged and game was more of what available goes quickly so the fight is aware of your commercially minded at the law firm is to have features in your system which differ from others so you can continue to have a desire as a sustainable a profit in package building models change across the spectrum to the left by a large but it’s bespoke and standardized work is dominated by hardly building whereas fixed-speed work you finds a little system transition and packaging involved are the building quick anecdote about my daughter at the time the story was twelve one summer she wasn’t a summer job and I asked her to put all my business cards into a loop and we discussed her when we do that and showed how to do it and she said how much you pay me and I said I thought I’d pay you by the hour which is twelve and she thinks about this for three seconds and smiles and said well I’ll take my time in there it seems to me that’s a priority that a client’s not one of the most venerated professions in history don’t see the similarly frankly when I retaining lawyers there’s capacity to evolve of ours I don’t want to gearbox and open check I actually want to continue the process there are a very limited number of circumcised breaking scalability the defendable otherwise fixed fees but most clients just increasingly make sense so when you move from left to right to fix things what a law firm services well that rate managing part of a law firm if he or she has a red marker to happened who put a red bleep around the school can see this our firm does mainly the scope work and that’s how it should be and I see two things to that I see a that’s factually incorrect and be strategically misconceived world-class permanent and of course I’ve gone well beyond the school they’re already standardizing systematizing in fact more than that the reason clients offer is precisely because that lover of us good experience in particularly area of law that idea that worked representative thinking golf remember that week one of these before and what we starting from scratch would be horrific for many clients so I can take you to say to the innumerable firms where standardization assistant positions call them things the more important point of why some strategically misconceived well because why I’m funny when I speak to clients about this is there’s a very strong pool from left to right now why would that be why our clients wanting to move left to right well just before I going to explain that let’s see after we think client work for a second what I’m not saying is you take any dealer disputing you think into which one of these bosses doesn’t says what I’m saying is mostly a little more that’s the second you can decompose legal work you can break it down into particular chunks and each of these chunks of each of these charges you can question into which of these particular bosses doesn’t fit so don’t think of laws or legal sizes and more than the thick lots of work to be done you can identify some tasks that are almost any legal project and some were nice banana bespoke we have other work we’ve done in different ways there were that same white rights move a lot to move from left to right place suitable between three reasons one is he movement that’s right the rest was done secondly is movement let’s write the cost becomes more predictable and thirdly in this might surprise you as you move from left to right it’s to get it right the quality goes up because of the left you might be benefiting from one extremely experienced person who can hand out a solution the attendants are white example their package is actually the distillation of the collective experience of many experts so it’s not just one expert is right it’s many experts now if you’re a client you do the price goes down the price becomes more certainty and the quality goes up you can see why tonight’s might want to prove the way through to give me a sense of where I think the legal marketing major referrals are in the United Kingdom just not I think we see that kind of spread the ear style I think of CN n appendix G this is very approximate but just gives a flavor of hot I think emphasis will change well the seven years of luma that’s really even division right across each area and within ten years I think it would look like that that’s a transformed legal services market be enabled by mobile technologies the whole different set of wings I think with every thinking we will see some pretty clear transformation I call this incremental transformation decomposing and multi-sourcing have hints about this whatever seems that legal matters aren’t in the visible blocks stuff you can actually broke down written any killer of sweet into constituent tasks and you can allocate each of these tasks along a spectrum and presented to you and then you can think of each of these tasks what’s the best way to sighs what’s the best way to resource that individual piece of work and what I’m seeing is that I know this might sound terribly unusual the actually legal sales might become a bit like producing and manufacture a computer or a car that we know all of these components come from various places would be cool them together and what I’m saying is there are many different ways you can source legal work so just you see 12 before you better take a couple early this is that idea about sourcing legal work it might be for example document review in litigation why should that be done by expensive very large expensive cities we’re ending up there are very bright law graduates who can actually pay that view at a fraction of the price or what about subcontracting I know many leading firms who know subcontracting the legal work to English qualified lawyers in other jurisdictions in New Zealand South Africa and elsewhere or what about the listing of bars yesterday are the devotion to pull a seminar of the chief executive the final action actually as lawyers what general counsel it has to be the problem there’s a stadium out of work and when a teacher arrives that you knows the department requires external legal expertise the conventional law firm will deliver the Bernardi a building basis behind cost what essentially axiom and many other firms are beginning to do what they actually do is Lisa lawyer in the contract alone is like a very upmarket tape agency and a fraction of the price what I’m seeing here within the outsourcing offering or computerizing more full sourcing or leasing there are new ways of handling routine repetitive work we feel actually great lemon juice and what will happen at the big deal of his speeches you’ll chunk it up into the decidua tasks you’ll farm the tasks out to the most efficient source they can actually meet each of these tasks you’ll pull them all together and then you deliver it’s an integrated service interesting job therefore someone which is to do the analysis of the constituent tasks to do the allocating to do the quality control to brand and actually to in some sense ensure the quality will that be law firms will not be perhaps waters will not be external project managers it’s not going to technology there many ways as I guess to the presenters the work that I do so lawyers by and large and there are of course exceptions but law by the large are not tremendously excited and I find a tendency amongst many leading lawyers willing to think this that they’ve got their have their blackberry machines they’ve got Google but as far as the legal words concerned that’s probably just about the end of the road legal service they just seem to step back in 1961 a book called the future evolved and then the future of law and the presentations I was doing around that time I was explaining the great potential even better swept them served up but I was claiming that the dominant wing the clients that their lawyers would communicate the future will be bright unit and I kid you not with senior people within the legal profession saying that I shouldn’t be allowed to speak in public intervention but they were saying that I didn’t understand safe security I didn’t understand confidentiality the lawyers we never got people in communicating the parts there’s a baseball number of years that are radical so some of my seditious wish but nonetheless what you’ll find is a kind of rationalization of us lawyers that okay I accept my communication habits katara transform email I concede that my information-seeking habits the legal service itself will be on touch it’s also the kind of thing I’m giving and I’ve been terribly pressed in terms of responding to home technology is changing by this book you know there’s much of this group very groups bother you you might want to prove to one side he’s talking about the integration of Technology genetics technology and looking to a world sometimes it suggests when humans will actually say biology we didn’t have to one side one component to the one that fascinates me and I fall encouraged all of the work what’s interesting is this technology and it’s actually supported by a whole wealth of other people’s technology many going over the words of all the cardboard in 1965 to develop this this rule involving approximately eighty two months or two years processing power to another lenders cost impact I made even said that faster few four years it’s still going strong but most people pay attention to this we do see that all minor investments in technology and all sorts of conventional characters will keep that going for many many years yet what curse fall does is it looks at evolution of Technology not just in terms of processing power with Internet users chip hard disk capacity a whole bundle of different headings and what is suggesting and then think the detail doesn’t matter so thruster support proudly supported wires do the technology tilted off whereas path leveling passive increasing steadily he system suggestions could be an exponential increase in the power of technology and memorable II he says two things he says by 2020 and again there are other to agree with them and even if it’s not right the general process important and 2020 is one falls were fall and other developments the average desktop machine will cost him any further dollars in today’s tariffs will have the processing power of that issue bring attention 1610 to 17th calculations per second it’s not seen this machine’s all their artificial intelligence just give me a flavor of the increase in power by 2050 it will follows the curve that rich desktop machine will have more processing power than all of humanity put together now if you can see the day or even discussed the day that the average desktop machine will award process apart that policy managed to put together it might be time for lawyers to rethink and practices they seems to be absurd to the legalization to think though all other sectors and all other markets will be radically transformed from technology and the illegal practice will remain much the same of course what happened we’re going to see transformations as a few these transformations I want to share by Thursday just think about flavor of something’s moved on so rapidly the development broadly what I would call online community over the last few years it communicates instant messaging over 100 million users blogging I conceived of a hundred million people aren’t there and blog very few of any worthwhile to see but the important and interesting phenomena seems to me is that there are new ways of communicating of collaborate communicating at last all masks that we just inconceivable small number of years ago mass collaboration itself the formation weather would be a lot of PDA operating system Enix this idea that people are managed on Finance on the innocence aware it and come together and create these remarkable artifacts challenge fundamental business people connected to one another speech things are going to happen social networking Facebook many people who speak to students dominates their social lives but don’t see the business dimension this seems to me entirely predictable far more predictable email automatic sense do in a few years this food plant technology will connect the wires to the clients and my toe myself appointed they will love that happen what if all law firms and their clients were all something like Facebook how could that change the lead when we were services delivered I argument G dramatically I went to Twitter I get a conference recently in Chicago during which there were over two hundred tweets as I spoke and that wasn’t there a few years ago this emerging technology that allows people who will try but everyone thinks of it to notify friends and contacts and what they’re doing the world of thinking if two or three general counsel of the largest corporations the world’s talk to tweeting and twittering all the time what would that mean Holman law firms monitor that nonsensical most operators would say today but as I seem a little bit more predictable that email was in 96 and for those who are skeptical iPod on line peps two hundred and twenty million people what’s more or less what does all of this mean for lawyers I follow the the thinking of Clint Christians who professed business school here when he distinguishes between sustaining and disruptive technologies sustaining technologies because the sustain and support the way a particular business works the liberties of market functions disruptive technologies of technologies that come around and fundamentally change of challenge of business of marketer sector and my belief is that the we seen over the last decade for example very impacting technologies fundamentally challenge the realize work the next decade for me will see the emergence of that’s the main people buy my new boot I’m saying individual these technologies together online are close by communities however this cerebral calm a CRM will calm that with our last goods it’s probably chain but it was fifty thousand dollars the United States no problem suitable companies no patience those defensive doctors online exchanging ideas and thoughts sites experiences and medications and therapies on patients conditions and so forth across between Facebook and Wikipedia baby needs one of the be built up there is a massive resource insight into medical conditions I saw that I thought what if what if not a chance law firms are not going to come online share collaborate this way clients think that is what’s going to happen clients involve others will come on body of Shaving speeches and it is already happening I can point you did in 2003 when the banking legal Technology Group was set up in London they invest in access by water to the collaborate we set up I was community for storage and this is not science fiction it will happen it’s from the making destructor for conventional operators if one flight weeks of altitudes diction review particular area of law why shouldn’t these flights shared cost of that amongst one another traditionally what would happen is a waffle would advise one client interview think of that room in that that kind of that kind that’s called knowledge management recycle in your knowledge she acknowledges good to happen to market level see how most communities Christ will see invited to do this work but do know that are good to be sharing that with another you’re not interested in the world’s changed it’s it’s now a buyers market only services what problems will irresistible EB drawing online dispute resolution we have the world’s leading specialist he kept millions who knows far more about this than I did but this I hear that we have of disputes that would physically congregated earth together to save our differences this corporate service or a play style desk seems to need to be a service as a whole bundle of techniques that allow people to resolve this piece with the support of Technology and no necessarily congregated together we would have evaded legal knowledge what I mean by that mentions you couldn’t drive your car unless your your seat belt buckle been inserted know there was a rule forbidding hit another car wouldn’t start the rule would be embedded in the system when you play solitaire as I’m sure we’ve all done on our personal computers through the card game if you want if you try to put a race live under age six I’m saying what actually flicks through the car back to the pilot game when we used to play with accidents with cars I don’t want to do this but you could do it you could put the rage drive under the Red Sticks you might get in trouble but you could do it you could break the rules and then often they had a tradition you can’t break the rules the rules remain into the system and looking at here I see great potential for the embedding of my project management business management systems and meditations decided here you have to look at what you’re doing and evaluated for the legal whether you apply them alternatives will actually become rather bizarre legal compliance will be built in to the way we run our business is like the car came it would be an option to put the red file under the red six and again that involvement of legal knowledge within organizations of the processes and those systems will actually be disruptive for law firms who used to be the people who advised on compliance compliance will be an embedded process whatever the electronic legal marketplace rules reputation system we’re all familiar with price comparison systems you can find that for the no one insurance company stupid another why should the legal market move through these very same techniques that’s the electron legal marketplace that can point you to examples of each but very soon they’ll be commonplace auctions for legal services strong reputation systems online price comparison this asymmetry fishing as between crying to provider will disappear it will be far easier for Christ to find out what legal service is available and the lowest cost and what reputation is attached that will transform again be highly disruptive to law firms who many ways have relied in the past and not be able to know for quite some people to go mobile tablets were available the shape of whoppers had led to change the classic same shape this triangle expect us to device at the top with the routine work being done by junior Lars below this is the fundamental the key to delivering the fundamental bothered with dislodged approach developed at law firms the more junior lawyers the more profitable firm by the March you have many junior lawyers who are paid but actually I’m far more for the firm and that is actually sweat to office profit but the thrust of what I’ve had to say today because new ways of sourcing that ability we don’t need expensive to new Reuters and expensive buildings expenses doing that routine legal work and what happened therefore I believe is that traditional triangle actually very much narrow in this country what about access to law and justice in England just as a case study 1 million that we’re far smaller country nearly 50 or 5 1 million several problems go unresolved each year huge latent market we would want legal advice through their legal guidance but can’t afford it today Ministry of Justices economics business of receptor suggestion that leads this unresolved legal civil problem phenomena phenomena a cost the taxpayer and these people over 13 million what we have in England and Wales and many other jurisdictions are afraid the very well-off are the state supported receiver rules or service well frankly most people walking that’s not access to justice it cannot be that the primary means of social control is actually available to most of us there’s internet based solutions that were released to help there is online document assembly it’s all my legal advice there’s the open sourcing the legal material detection can be shared of one another those communities experience I’m very keen to this idea there are when one citizen has sorted out perhaps the brand area disputes they go online and record the experiences because they often is more convenient and less forbidding to the average citizen to speak to someone else our citizen who’s gone through a legal problem of attractiveness for this huge body I believe communities of legal experience and build up is that reputations of details there PC problem in the online communities we’re building up that does seem a community spirit which is encouraging people to record their thoughts and integrity benefit from the frequently asked questions which are sitting fee why can’t we use this tool to offer clear navigation through complex long in all of this remember of all time the best is the enemy of the good hemp red wire will tend to say that’s not as good as a service provider might be right the purple areas aren’t to practice available to most people to more citizens to store small and medium sized businesses we have to find someone that is the future for laughter’s the big question I ask and the city must be asked is what parts of Laura’s work can be undertaken before this is fundamental what parts of large working everything differently by which I mean more quickly cheaply efficiently are to a higher quality using alternative methods of linking that’s the question how many are you do decompose it into chunks could that be done differently and even though there’s a lot of thing I don’t know what to do that way because the woman is profitable if you can identify ways that we done differently I believe the body and what we’re seeing I think is the market doing stuff across small we were to see new ways of delivering legal services what used to be conventionally the heart of the law firm collection resource in different ways Jack well should the people that competed with probably brought together he said in his book all those leading executives and said I’ve looked to Amazon and I’ve looked at what it’s done to bookseller and I want you to look and your individual businesses and see the way the internet may do to these businesses what and if you can see these ways he said they were going to defend ourselves against that he called that two weeks late thing called that grow your business calm a tiny call that destroy your business go home find ways that someone else to describe a business defended two weeks later grow your business go chrome his mindset shift in the far body because he thought wrong idea if we can see ways that other people could deliver that service through the internet we should be delivering service in that way I see the seats are large does not destroy your businesses grow your business you can see waited at your service might be delivered be able to prepare that we create if you should be delivered in that week so go for what more lawyers we needed more fundamentally when it’s greater efficiencies most relaxed of online resources and in-house the department’s can collaborate the webinar what’s the conventional why we need for I think answers to things where deep expertise is required for sleep or secondly where complex into communications in doing the users require the recipe to most lawyers I see a collective relaxation of filters with the slide that’s me I have a few expertise and five communication is very complex well also fastest might be complexity can be model but they learn anything through the ages my work in PR in law is their legal expertise is at least a two sorts sometimes being expertise is nothing more than complex bodies and rules that’s what Deloitte through through the taxes the fact that is quite hard to the area of the actual means a computer can metaphorically be this header and it can offer the path through these complex body rules different sort of expertise as where in creativity in judgment experience is required and I think it is terribly difficult often to model that by technology but that’s often exaggerated for really honest situation feature gut reaction underpinning expert behavior is consistency and stop the company model so I think it was geniuses 99% only 1% inspiration I think it’s true the venture head it’s probably too corporate applause as well we exaggerated the accentuates creativity and as very complex communication the reality is if you speak to many offer direct face-to-face contact dimension in many internally and intronic male videoconferencing in due course for networking I have no doubt you can speak to the mainly senior junior lawyers by bringing associates quite senior associates in partners law firms who had heard a huge massive volume of my work they never see the client did they really need to be I think he was saying expensive buildings and expensive cities and more than that the next generation might feel differently we cannot claim because our generation of lawyers has successfully conducted work in a face to face business the neck should bind future generations if the Facebook generation the next generation as I define them people who can’t remember a free internet world if they think that idea of getting together physically we can say no no that’s the way we’ve always done it it has to continue that way so I the argument that complex communication my client really wants a movie I was actually don’t want to live in alcohols they prefer to be half the price you receive an email phone and that’s the reality these features all for lawyers some other talk the district in the flavor is the expert trusted adviser variations our current theme but it’s a more sophisticated piece the legal knowledge engineer actually builds all these knowledge systems I’m talking about that requires legal skill of knowledge is not be expected or you expect when you’re training for law school that’ll be a right to a legal job in the future the hybrid as those people who are half a psychologist half my columnist and many other skills brought together legal sales would be deliberative clearly the black letter law and five simply I believe simple vince’s synthesized and presented as a broader package the legal project manager actually or see the decomposing illegal workers probably hope that’s bringing together an assembly line man around disability or the legal risk management this fundamental rule that actually has not really been invented yet but this is what clients are wanti it’s a different jobs so I’m talking with any wives question mark it’s the end dog to some extent the traditional one-to-one consultative advisory role they won’t diminish altogether where deep expertise is required or webcomics will still be a job but that role will diminish pacifically one of the law schools pipeline just a couple of is being questioned here what are we training young warriors to become if I even slightly correct the curricula of most law schools at least has some serious gaps proper tuning arrives become traditional ones and one face-to-face consultative advisors who specialized many vidual jurisdictions I think in English law schools get that’s what we do that’s what we change to become or are we training arrives with more flexible team based professionals able to transcend legal boundaries and willing to drive more techniques in most UK law schools the law is taught as it as it was taught in the 1970s it’s the same basic model all of what I’m talking about when I speak to how spoken to some of the leading academics I’m considered to be energy sensational when I advise the new more firms in the world they’re saying why are hospitals not preparing wires are at least for warning them of the world that is never mind of the world that might be law schools focus on legal problems the only thing the doggies I want you to present a picture of the world today everything you pitch in the world many news had the world today but I speak to these major offerings they see many of the students when they arrive indeed when our surprise it was really hard they seems we have a great believer much legal studies to teach other students no stir my heart about legal philosophy I wouldn’t for seconds you know teach fundamental legal said not incumbent on us some way as people who evolved from the teaching of law to give us a sense of what the world is to be able that might be the future we teach them with very little regard for polarization the commoditization for information technology from order of business management of law alternative sources of reward none of that in most of our graduates in England they’re ill prepared to work in teams so the question that I finished was this should we extend the Reitmans of law school to include other disciplines such as risk management project management legal knowledge management construction legal technology they’re just some examples maybe a traditional professors are very busy enough but I can’t help feeling that at least the opportunity should be there this actually limits the ability to a post office maybe you should change it I think it’s a danger of further with me and save them actually I think what demands of the culture that we develop I don’t think for example the car doesn’t start because there’s some device I don’t think that she’d discouraged I don’t think in the card game she discouraged discussion to be I think a lot of the pain would say the culture environment around debates about changes in her system change I don’t think I explicitly they also record long to be enjoyed I think I agree with you there’s a danger if one who pays the law particularly to do all so people actually don’t know what to what it is they’re they’re subject they just know that exception of course of actions even though local to so in parallel with inventing one Eastern expressed a particular document the law it’s a different world altogether I’m not saying crack total implement do you think that’s one way we could achieve it but you’re absolutely right to part of the danger that invading law some examples and others of sensations how do they handle them and has it worked out and they determine automatically now I don’t know this was the biggest I’m not acceleration when I the world yeah I’m law they were extinguisher decided I was between between hard cases visa cases easy cases systems could solve our cases good the different you’ve got a problem it’s a hard question whether also hard case from these case I always thought that I really have an actress or in practice people are just probable for Connecticut vices when junior lawyers of this would be too often might miss issues that are insisting to those in the systems the message since I think there are physical supervision there’s a specific ritual it true that there’s an opportunity for human expression to see what no say just a lot of bell rings in your mind so I think the important things is opportunities we will develop system stakes I suppose what I also do find is that often these systems are preparing first drafts so it’s taking a production process taking the craft is then actually poured over by experts but it’s actually just thinking a lot of the cost of the what you’re saying is a distance sensor provides a standardized center even spoke just turn it the other way and this is many things I do by Texas I am sitting there were too lazy to find it you can define these things functionally and my functional definition was of these were systems that made scarce expertise so I’m wondering who’s going to win this new world because often when a new disruptive technology comes along it’s not me the confidence and you’ve been talking about law firms sort of wondering is that our law firm is going to be where the innovation is going to happen is there’s going to be there gonna be something else is it going to happen in a different market segment then the big fortune 500 companies instead maybe going to target class consumers rather than the big firms because of dependency that for spaces in particular given but here in the states word we don’t have that same ability to have external investments is it possible that just kind of won’t happen in that other people were run will be overrun with British Frank we’ve said I think it’s not just sometimes if your market leader is always used which historically that’s they started with content on as well twenty years talking to one or two years some of the change because they are see my cases

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