Dr Rajeev Gupta

An Important Advice to Future Leaders

An Important Advice to Future Leaders – Your Organization is only as Strong as the Weakest Link

In this interconnected and integrated business scenery, aspiring commanders would be well advise to follow the simple-minded govern that their organization is as strong as the weakest associate and hence, they must ensure that all parts of the complex supply chain that make up their organization are evenly strong . We can explain this by employ of a simple metaphor. Take a chain for example. If you introduce enough patrol on it from both culminates, the weakest relate of the chain snarls leading to the chain being ended. Similarly, if their own organizations has a soft spot, that would be the undoing as when the competitive pressures exert pressure on your organization, then it would break in the same route that the chain smashed. This is a powerful received information that numerous chairmen in the corporate world-wide see the hard way.

The point here is that many governors is considered that by concentrating on a few divides, regions, or operational spheres, they can take it easy on the remainder. However, recent events have shown that the relentless pressure of marketplace powers establishes the organization susceptible to dislocation and hit the organization “the worlds largest” where it is weakest.

This can be seen in the recent misfortunes in the airline industry where everyone thought that lowering fares and removing full service options would inevitably translate into higher publications and increased gains. What they did not reckon with was the fact that

red human go up before other white humans

the business scenery in which the airlines operate has changed viciously with higher ga payments, operational expenses and the general decline in fares because of the recession. This meant that despite concentrating on one aspect of the business that they thought was on strong field, they ignored the weak points in their business models.

Similarly, the speciman of software and BPO firms is illustrative. They too thought that competing on the cost advantage was enough to sustain them. However, given the advent of other countries with both its own language and cost advantage similar to India, these companies are now realizing that the quality facet that was traditionally weak in some operational areas is turning out to be their Achilles Heel. The mythological Greek Hero, Achilles, had a single weak point that was exploited by the Spartans. Hence, the lessons from the past as well as the present indicate that all the agencies is as strong as its weakest relation and therefore, business leaders cannot overlook even the supposedly simple-minded aspects.

Finally, Murphy’s Law is to say that if anything can go wrong, it will. Therefore, the implications are clear for business leaders. They have to carry the entire society with them and not leave out any specific area as being minor or inconsequential . The the heads of state of the future would have to been confronted with more interconnectedness and more complexity and hence, they have to be prepared to defend their organizational chain from onslaught by rivals. In conclusion, do not dismis any aspect thinking that it is minor or insignificant. It might come back to haunt you.

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