Dr Rajeev Gupta

The 4 Elements of Consciousness

Consciousness refers to the mind and the surroundings of which it interacts. Consciousness leads to focus, giving us a clear mind and a peaceful insight world of which helps us to understand reality in life. The four elements of consciousness are represented by four Jungian functions of consciousness, which are shown in four quadrants of a circle. These are the four elements of consciousness:


 Sensation. This function provides us with physiological information from everything we see, touch, smell, hear, taste, etc. However, we will not know what it is even though we feel it.

 Thinking. This function recognizes and tells us what exactly it is. The nerve impulses that send information to the brain are being processed and produce exact information about what it is.

 Feeling. This function, also known as valuing function, evaluates and tells us what something is worth to us, or our preference.

 Intuition. This function makes possibilities for real and subjective objects. Intuition lack of reality, making up something that you cannot sense or feel about.

According to Jung, sensation and intuition functions are irrational function dyads, whereas thinking and feeling functions are rational.

In a diagram of a circle, sensation and intuition functions are placed directly opposite of each other, and the same goes to thinking and feeling functions.

The Jungian function forms centers of intelligence with the first function from the first dyad, then a second and third function from the second dyad. The fourth function is excluded, as it is difficult to go into consciousness as it opposes the dominant or first function.

Anything that belongs to external of the body is considered extrovert, while that of internal, introvert.

Thus, there are a total of eight conscious processes on the Enneagram of Consciousness, namely extroverted sensation (Type 7), extroverted intuition (Type 4), extroverted thinking (Type 1), extroverted feeling (Type 2), introverted sensation (Type 8), introverted intuition (Type 9), introverted thinking (Type 5), introverted feeling (Type 6), and extroverted moving and persona (Type 3).

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