Integrating Ayurveda with Modern Medicine for Enhanced Patient Care: Analysis of Realities

Modern or Western medicine is often the first-line healthcare option due to a strong evidence base, a scientific, systematic approach, and well-defined generalizability of therapies to certain populations. However, this disease-focused model has several limitations, such as no cure for all diseases and the high cost of care. On the other hand, Ayurveda, an ancient […]

Dr Rajeev Gupta Papers Published Links on ORCID

Dr Rajeev Gupta Papers Published Links on ORCID 24.07.2024 Rajeev Gupta (0000-0001-5484-2498) – ORCID Integrating Ayurveda with Modern Medicine for Enhanced Patient Care The Physician 2024-04-20 | Journal article DOI: 10.38192/ Part of ISSN: 2732-5148 Part of ISSN: 2732-513X CONTRIBUTORS: Rajeev Gupta Show more detail Source: Rajeev Gupta Functional Constipation in Children: Pathophysiology, Diagnosis, and Management British Journal of Healthcare and Medical […]

EnergyFizz for Professional Vitality

Ginseng EnergyFizz to Enhance Mental Clarity, Performance and Leadership Unlocking Leadership Potential with Ginseng in EnergyFizz Ginseng, a key ingredient in EnergyFizz Ginseng Fizz Sticks, is not just a traditional herb with centuries of use behind it; it’s a modern-day superfood for the brain and body, particularly beneficial for professionals and leaders in the fast-paced […]