To live consciously is to live with total awareness of the present. Consciousness is a clear state of mind where you know what to do and how to react to a certain situation. These are generally some reasons why consciousness is important.
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Direct your energies to where they are needed. If you live consciously, you will use your time wisely and channel your energies well to create something new or plan for your future, rather than just spend time on unnecessary stress and worries.
Avoid robotic reactions. When something bothers you, you will pay attention to your thoughts and emotions, and react accordingly. You will not react in such a way to protect your ego, as our mind does.
Make peace with people and nature. When you find peace in yourself, you will also be able to generate it externally. You will find that there is a need to love and feel for others. In this way, you are more sensitive towards others’ feelings.
Embrace fear. When you face difficulties or terrifying situations, instead of trying to avoid them, you will find a solution or ways to resolve the problems with consciousness. Hence, you are able to handle it better the next time it happens again.
Appreciate life as it is. Our misconceptions about life, environment or people around cause us not to enjoy life with fullness.
With consciousness, we know and can be able to distinguish between reality and misconceptions. Therefore, see the world around you with love and peace, soon you will find that beauty lies within everything you get in touch with.