Dr Rajeev Gupta

Dealing with Stress and Coping in the 21st Century

Dealing with Stress and Coping in the 21st Century


Modern day life is so fast paced that it leads to increasing episodes of stress. Be it the workplace or at home, it is quite common for each one of us to face stress. While it is not possible to eliminate stress altogether, we can cope by changing our reaction to stress and how we deal with it.


When you are constantly under stress, not only are you facing mental strain, your body also become dysfunctional and suffer physically. Stress can have adverse effects on your health and your general health might go south. You might be easily affected by hypertension, heart aliments and problems like diabetes, eating disorders, etc.


For this reason, it is essential to take stress head on and deal with it and manage to reduce stress levels. Let us now learn a few steps to help control and cope with stress.


Understand the Cause for Stress


Many people worry for anything and everything. Sometimes they do not even realize they are worrying and are getting stressed out. If you are feeling stressed, understand why you are feeling stressed. Sometimes the cause is so trivial that you will understand that you need not be stressed for that cause. So, by understanding the cause for stress, you may be able to eliminate the stress altogether.


Forget Your Worries


Sometimes it is essential to let go of everything and forget your worries. Find something else to do so that you are not worrying. Find time to pursue a hobby, go on a vacation, play a sport, sing if you can, etc are some of the ways that people try to eliminate stress and cope with it.


Do not fret about Things You Have no Control Over


Some people are stressed because of some general occurrence such as a calamity, the traffic situation while driving, how your local team performed in the annual meet, etc. Understand that this is a situation where you have no say and avoid getting stressed due to such reasons.


Eat Right


Stress can cause severe disturbances to eating habits. While some might skip meals altogether, others might tend to overeat. Eat right! This is essential to help you cope up with stress and be able to deal with it.




Exercise will help you relieve stress as this is a major stress buster. Not only will it help eliminate stress, it will also help you overcome problems associated with stress like hypertension, heart ailments, diabetes, etc.


Stress is a major problem that each and everyone face in the course of our everyday life. Although we cannot eliminate stress from our lives, it is possible to alter the way we react to stress and thus not get into many health problems that are associated with increased stress.


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