Dr Rajeev Gupta

Make Sure You Have Fresh Content

Good and relevant content that is ever changing to adopt to the current needs of the viewing public is very important to the site staying competitive.

The Material

When the material posted is left undisturbed for long periods of time the significant drop in interest will be reflected in the loss of traffic to the site thus eventually rendering the site almost redundant.

When this happens it will probably be an uphill battle to get back to the original position of favorable SEO ranking status. Thus being careful to avoid such a possibility the individual would need to stay relevant and current with the material posted at the site.

The following are some recommendations to help avoid being stagnant in relation to the site status:

 Get into the habit of regularly performing site reviews for all the content posted at the site. Questions such as is the material relevant to the current market needs, are there any industry changes that would cause the current material to be redundant, what is needed by those visiting the site and any others that may require the reassessment of the content material currently featured.

 If it is a blogging material that is being assessed then this should be done without any reservations as blog material when left unchanged will then be categorized as boring and uneventful thus discouraging further interest in the postings.

 Making small changes is not good enough to consider the material fresh from any perspective. Therefore there is a need to revamp the entire content to ensure its freshness. Small changes will not serve to pacify the SEO standards adequately.

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