Personal Development Plan!
So now you have finally made the decision to make changes in yourself completely and begin to alter life as a whole. When something deep within you stirs your spirit. That peculiar inner gnawing you feel that urges you to make a change in order to better the position of yourself in life increases to a point that you make a decision to take some action! You are completely ready with a list of things you need to change and have a plan on how you’d like to change these. Hold on! Are these thoughts properly organized? Have you made a note of the smaller steps that would lead you to eventually achieve that desired goal?
You need to get in place, what in the commercial world is known as PDP, Personal Development Plan in order to get a blueprint on how to make changes and reach the desired goal. Get out a sheet of paper and first put down all your desires. Make sure you think carefully and note down all the changes you can think about. Once this is done get another piece of paper and write the following headings:
- Personal Growth/Personal Development
- Finances/Career
- Home Life/Relationships
- HealthBelow every heading list at least five desires from the first list you made and set them in priority. These would become your goals.
Below is the example of goals a person working in a busy office might have:
Personal Growth/Personal Development
1. Trying my best to stay calm in a stressful situation.
- Gaining extra experience working with IT.
- Improving recall memory ability.
4. Learning to photo read or speed-read.
5. Boosting my own self-esteem.It’s necessary that every goal is not just realistic but also challenging in nature. Also necessary is that you set a time deadline for its achievement. Now get another sheet of paper and think and jot down techniques you could use to achieve the set goals in the calculated time frame. You will be pleasantly surprised at the amount of information that your brain can actually put onto that paper.
Once you have a list of ways written, pick out the best ones. Now make a ‘to-do’ list for everyday for every separate day of the week. Make sure you include the smallest step on this list that it will take in achieving the goals you are setting. Make sure when you complete these small steps; you congratulate yourself and also measure your own progress at the end of the day.