What Is Crucial
While able to totally and comfortably arrest our chemical addiction, there’s no cure. It’s permanent. Like alcohol addiction there’s simply one rule.
Once we are free, just one, using only once and we have to go back. You see, it isn’t a matter of how much self-command we have, but how the brain’s priorities teacher teaches, how nerve and remembering cell highways that recorded years of smoking have left each of us wired for backsliding.
So why are a few individuals, social smokers, able to take it or leave it, while the rest of us became hooked? Called “chippers,” they plausibly account for less than ten percent of all smokers. Envious? If so and still using don’t fret, it’s normal. That’s what enslaved minds tend to dream about, to wish to become like them, to command what for us is unmanageable.
Being immune to addiction is believed to at least in part be related to genetic science. However with up to 90% of daily users hooked solid, spending 1000000s studying smoking dependency genetics is nearly laughable.
Before feeling too sorry for yourself, think what it’s like to be an alcohol-dependent and forced to watch roughly ninety percent of drinkers do something that you yourself can’t, to turn and walk away. We only have to watch the ten percent who are chippers.
Then again, we were each once chippers also, at least for our first couple of smokes or oral tobacco uses. There was no impulse, desire, crave, hunger or desiring for those first couple of cigarettes. Smoking stimulated our nervous system without our brain soliciting us to come back and do it once again.
There was no dopamine “aha” relief sensation, as nothing was missing and nothing in need of replenishment. However that was about to change.
Many of us became hooked while youngsters or teens. What none of us knew prior to that first hit of nicotine was how highly addictive smoking it was. Roughly twenty-six percent of us began losing control over continued smoking after just 3 to 4 smokes, rising to 44% after smoking 5 to 9.
What we didn’t then know was that inside 10 seconds of that very first puff, that up to fifty percent of our brain’s dopamine pathway acetylcholine receptors would get occupied by nicotine, or that before finishing that first butt that nicotine would saturate almost all of them.