you time get the day witness its strongest other in probably four decades I was living in Egypt in 2011 when the revolution happened[ Music] I was really moved by the risks that I learnt every day citizens take to stand up to Authority and to substantiate abuses by the authority I certainly fought with remorse about leaving and this question of how can i from the sidelines support the incredible activism and not not just leave and I never look back at the Human Rights investigations labs we qualify students to comb through social media and other publicly accessible platforms on the Internet to see if they can find evidence related to human rights abuses and to war crimes that are happening around the world you’d be amazed how often videos are flowed and you’re being told that this is actually Syria today when perhaps it came from Ethiopia five years ago so a big piece of what our students are doing is really fact checking this is smart News Agency they is dependent upon citizens employing their cell phones to go out and record what is going on in Syria this appears to be the bombing of an assistance entourage whenever I check cluster munitions that is something we would be particularly interested in because those are illegal artilleries in this conflict the first thing I do is I look at when it was published and I try to figure out if that’s the really the first time it was uploaded onto the Internet is about to change this video was uploaded for the first time here on YouTube on August 3rd the other thing I start doing is restating and trying to figure out as much detail as possible they claimed that this attack happened towards the western entrance of this city I’m gonna go to satellite imagery now and start looking at the roads that are heading from a lot Arab West so adoration what you find I adore what I do is just like when we do trained for a digital proof a lot of people come along and think Silver Bullet for proof and actually there’s not probably the trickiest part of the whole verification procedures we use is trying to work out exactly where a photograph or video is actually made or captured or filmed but often it’s the most important thing we can do so the goal is to make sure that this video is saved and that we analyze as much information as possible from this video so that hopefully it can be used in a law investigation or one day in a case striving legal accountability for this attack to be able to have the people who are already there sending information out either through videos that they post to youtube or videos that they affix a facebook that means we’re sounding legends we’ve never actually heard before and wouldn’t have otherwise one group that we’re working with is a syrian archive know so i’ve gone back to work on one of the entourage videos i’m having a really hard time certainly geo-locating it partly because it’s on precisely a big rural street only moved me the materials and we can work on it together okay thanks for coming so much howdy I certainly appreciate this we all really love working on your programmes a lot of meaning in “peoples lives” so thank you so much thank you no thanks for coming thank you guys so much better I are more likely attained some coordinates that are where the bombing for those working trucks took place on August 3rd 2016 there’s this really interesting instant of commotion when you think you’ve really found it and there’s a part of me that is absolutely yearning for a lot more accountability and waiting to see what happens with this information if you’re going after the president of a country or a commanding general last thing you miss is these cases falling apart our students “re going through” the painstaking employment of attesting so that courts and human rights investigators knew how much they are unable to rely on that information and eventually get those stories out to the world what I hope for Andra and for any of the students who take with them is just the skills that they’ve gained that they’re able to circulate that through slog that they do better social good the students who come out of this are going to be part of a pipeline that’s never genuinely existed before and the potential for them to help various fields of practice is enormous it’s actually with this work that I’ve kind of gotten rid of a lot of that guilt this work allows me to feel like I can directly pass something back to the activists who go so much peril to record these human rights violations[ Music] you

As found on YouTube

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